Get Help with SuccessFactors


Use the topic list below to help you with some of the common issues that people encounter with using SuccessFactors.

If you need to call:

  1. For password and system performance issues call the IT Service Desk: 1800 008 584 and use Option 3 or 4 as appropriate
  2. For pay and other issues in using the system: 1800 008 584, use Option 5 and listen for the prompts.
    For NZ: 008 501 801 or
    HK/Shanghai: +61 2 8885 0500
Trouble with your username or Payroll ID to log in?

Your username for SuccessFactors is simply your Payroll or Employee number (as shown in the examples below). Use a prefix of capital A if you are paid by ALH, capital H if you are based in Hong Kong or Shanghai, or capital P if you are paid through PEL.


  • Woolworths paid Team Member:.............................005676
  • ALH paid Team Member:..............................A000675
  • Hong Kong/Shanghai based Team Member.......H265
  • PEL/Countdown paid Team Member:.............P007665

You can find your Payroll number on your payslip. If you can't access a copy of your payslip to find your Payroll ID, your line manager can find this in your Employment Information section in SuccessFactors

Trouble with your password, or your account is locked?

If you are using SuccessFactors for the first time...

The easiest way to get a password is to use the "Forgot Password" link on the login screen of SuccessFactors. This will send an email with reset instructions to the email address that we have linked to your account. You can then follow the instructions to set up a new password. You will need to action the reset message within 30 mins of initiating the reset, otherwise you will need to go back to the login screen and try another reset. There are no limits on the number of times you try to reset your password.


Password rules for SuccessFactors

When creating a password in SuccessFactors, the following rules will apply:

  • Passwords must be between 7 and 18 characters in length
  • Passwords are case sensitive
  • Passwords do not need to be mixed case
  • Passwords must contain alphabetic characters and at least one non-alphabetic character, such as a number or symbol
  • After 90 days, the next time you log in you will be prompted to update your password

The system will automatically prompt you with the rules if you try to create a password that does not meet these rules.


If you can't remember your password...

You only have six attempts at "guessing" your password before you get locked out, so if you can't remember your password, simply use the "Forgot Password" link on the login screen of SuccessFactors. This will send an email with reset instructions to the email address we have linked to your account.

You will need to action the reset message within 30 mins of initiating the reset, otherwise you will need to go back to the login screen and try another reset. There are no limits on the number of times you try to reset your password.


If you tried to reset, but do not get an reset email...

If you don't receive an email within a couple of minutes of triggering a password reset, check the following:

  • If an email is not in your Inbox, check your SPAM folder
  • If you are not sure what email address SuccessFactors has against your profile, ask your line manager to go into the system to look at your Personal Details page to see the email address. If the email address is wrong, your line manager can also edit and update this at the same time, and you can then try again to reset your password.
  • If you are still having problems and need access, contact the IT Service Desk via the number at the "Get Help" information at the top of this page. Please have your payroll number on hand when you call so that we can identify you for security purposes.


If your account is locked...

If you have incorrectly entered your password more than six times your account will be locked for security purposes. You will need to contact the IT Service Desk via the number at the "Get Help" information at the top of this page to get your account unlocked. Please have your payroll number on hand when you call so that we can identify you for security purposes.

Something to do with your pay or your payslip?

There is something wrong with your pay

If your time and attendance is managed in Kronos, you should first consult your line manager or the person who manages Kronos for your site/store about any issue with your pay. Chances are the issue can be resolved in Kronos. If you've tried that, or your time is not managed in Kronos, you should contact the People Advisory line via the "Get Help" information at the top of this page.


Having trouble accessing your payslip?

Don't forget - SuccessFactors only contains payslips for any pays in that system. Your old payslips will still be accessible in AllYours. Only you can access payslips in SuccessFactors, so if you are having trouble accessing a payslip, please contact the People Advisory line via the "Get Help" link at the top of this page.

There are elements on your screen that aren't displaying correctly or you get a "sad face" symbol

Check your browser


SuccessFactors supports the following web browsers:

  • Chrome (V32.0 or higher),
  • Firefox, 
  • Safari and 
  • Internet Explorer (V9.0 or higher).

To access Pay-related actions your browser will also need to have Flash V13.0 or higher, so some features may not work on an iPad, some tablets or phones. Please ensure you are using a compatible web browser when accessing the system.


Clear your browser cache


Sometime browsers like Chrome need to be refreshed as the browser retains permissions from the previous log-in.

Here's how you can "clear your cache" for a Chrome browser:

  1. Click the menu button near your browsing bar (three hotizontal bars)
  2. Click 'History'
  3. Click 'Clear Browsing Data'
  4. Untick all boxes except for 'Cached images and files'
  5. Click 'Clear Browsing Data'


If your Pay-related Actions tile is completely blank


These issues have been experienced by people using Internet Explorer. The preferred browser is Chrome, but if you need to use IE as your browser, then you may need to add the following sites to your Trusted Sites list:

  1. Go to Settings > Security > Trusted Sites
  2. Click on Sites
  3. Add
  4. Add
  5. Tick 'Require server verification (https) for all servers in this zone
  6. Close then "Apply". You may need to restart your browser for these changes to take effect.


I've tried this and I still have a "sad face" symbol on my screen or some other error


You may need to call the IT Service Desk via the number at the "Get Help" information at the top of the page.

The system is very slow for you

Trouble when using the Woolworths network

If you are accessing the system on the Woolworths network from a store, you may find some of the functions are slow. This could be due to the level of competing activity on the store network. If you are experiencing unacceptable delays, try again at another time, or consider accessing the system from any other internet connection, such as from home or through another device on a wi-fi network at a cafe for example. You could also try closing all other applications on the desktop before launching SuccessFactors.

If you continue to have issues with network speed, please contact the IT Service Desk via the number at the top of this page.

You've clicked on something but nothing happens, or you're told there is a problem with pop-ups

Disable pop-up blockers

If pop-ups are blocked on your browser, it may seem like some functions do not work when you click on a button or option. The way to disable pop-up blockers differs for each web browser so consult the "help" for your web browser if you don't know how to do this.

You can enable pop-ups as follows in Chrome:

  • In the top-right corner of the browser window, click the Chrome menu (three hotizontal bars)
  • Select "Settings"
  • Click "Show advanced settings"
  • Under "Privacy," click the Content settings button.
  • Under "Pop-ups," select Allow all sites to show pop-ups.
You are getting an error message

"Do you wish to show non-secure items?"

This could be due to the security settings for the browser you are using on your computer. If you receive this message click on Yes to continue. There should not be any concern accessing non-secure objects on screens in SuccessFactors.


"An application error has occurred"

This may be to do with the version of browser that you are using. SuccessFactors do not support all of the latest versions of Chrome/Firefox. Try accessing the system in a different browser (for eg. Internet Explorer) to see if this resolves the issue. 


"This webpage has a redirect loop"

This issue has been experienced by some people using the Chrome browser on their Chromebook. You may need to update your version of Chrome.


"You are not authorised to view this..."

You will usually get this if you are trying to access a screen or function in SuccessFactors that you do not have permission to perform.

If you are a line manager and you are trying to complete an action for one of your direct reports in the My Time/Pay Transactions list, make sure you select the name of the direct report first from the drop down that appears next to where your name is in that tile, then choose the type of action.

If you believe you should have access to a certain action, contact the People Advisory team via the "Get Help" link at the top of this page.